Everything You Need To Know About Herniated Cervical Disc Injuries

Experts estimate that approximately three million people suffer a herniated disc every year in the U.S. A herniated disc in the cervical spine can cause severe neck and shoulder pain and could require surgical treatment to heal.

Vertebrae are the hard bones of the spine, and discs are the gelatinous cushions between the vertebrae. Along with ligaments, facet joints, and other tissues, the spine allows humans to walk upright, bend, and pass information back and forth between the brain and the rest of the body. When any part of the spine is injured, that damage can interrupt proper spinal function.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

Spinal discs are sometimes compared to jelly doughnuts. These gel-filled capsules protect the spine by absorbing shock between the hard vertebrae. An injury can cause the “jelly” in the middle to protrude through the outer layer of the disc or even leak into the spinal column. 

A herniated disc is also known as a bulging disc because the inner material causes the disc to bulge out between the vertebrae. A bulging disc can press against nearby nerves and other spinal structures, leading to pain and inflammation. 

Common Causes of Herniated Cervical Discs

There are 33 vertebrae in the spine, and the first seven (C1–C7) are collectively referred to as the “cervical spine.” The most common cause of disc problems in this area is normal wear and tear. With age, cracks can develop in the disc membranes, and a lack of proper hydration can cause them to become less durable. 

Trauma to the cervical spine can also damage a disc. Common causes of neck injuries include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • High-impact sports injuries, such as those from skiing, biking, or wrestling
  • Falls, including slip and fall accidents
  • Assault
  • Poor office ergonomics, such as sitting at an incorrectly placed computer monitor

If you’ve experienced a high-impact injury and are having neck pain, you could have a herniated cervical disc.

The Symptoms of a Herniated Cervical Disc

The symptoms of a herniated neck disc aren’t always immediately apparent, especially if the injury was caused by trauma, such as an auto accident. The shock of being in an accident can distract from the physical pain. In some cases, symptoms may take up to 72 hours to manifest.

However, some people notice symptoms right away. Watch for these signs if you suspect that you’ve injured your cervical spine:

  • Pain in the back or side when moving the neck
  • Tenderness in the neck area
  • Pain, numbness, or weakness radiating from the neck to the shoulder, arm, hand, or fingers
  • Hot or electric-like pain shooting from the neck
  • Muscle stiffness or restricted movement
  • Worsening pain in certain positions

Herniated disc pain can range from mild to severe. The exact pattern of discomfort can be different for every person and typically depends on the location of the injury. Speak with your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.

Treatment For a Herniated Cervical Disc

Most herniated discs can successfully be treated with rest and anti-inflammatory medications. Doctors might prescribe stronger painkillers for managing severe pain. It can take several weeks for the victim to fully recuperate, and some people may not be able to return to work until their pain is under control.

Physical therapy may also be recommended. Physical therapists can help injury victims regain mobility and strength in the cervical spine. Therapy can also help those recovering from neck injuries improve their posture to prevent further pain. 

If you’re experiencing pain after an impact injury, you could have a herniated cervical disc.

Along with painful and debilitating physical symptoms, cervical spine injuries can also have impacts like lost wages and diminished quality of life. A personal injury attorney can inform you about your right to seek financial compensation if the injury came about due to someone else’s negligence.

If you’ve been injured in a personal injury, please contact Marzzacco Niven & Associates at the nearest location to schedule a free consultation today:

Harrisburg Law Office
945 East Park Drive, Suite 103 Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 231-1640

York Law Office
2550 Kingston Road, Suite 210A York, PA 17401
(717) 995-8998

Wyomissing Law Office
833 N. Park Road, Suite 103, Room A Wyomissing, PA 19610
(717) 388-2325

Chambersburg Law Office
79 St. Paul Drive, Suite 1 Chambersburg, PA 17201
(717) 388-2378

Carlisle Law Office
354 Alexander Springs Road Carlisle, PA 17015
(717) 995-8732

Carbondale Law Office
30 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 101 Carbondale, PA 18407
(717) 995-8810

Lancaster Law Office
2173 Embassy Drive, Ste 123, Lancaster Pa 17603
(717) 616-2954

Lebanon Law Office
937 Willow Street, Suite D Lebanon, PA 17042-1140
(717) 995-8963