Everything You Need To Know About Herniated Cervical Disc Injuries

Experts estimate that approximately three million people suffer a herniated disc every year in the U.S. A herniated disc in the cervical spine can cause severe neck and shoulder pain and could require surgical treatment to heal. Vertebrae are the hard bones of the spine,… read more

What Does Esquire Mean?

The term “esquire,” often abbreviated as “Esq.,” is commonly seen following the names of lawyers. But what is an “esquire,” and what does it mean to be one? If you encounter the term in a legal setting, here is what you should know. The Meaning… read more

What To Do At An Intersection With Flashing Lights In Lancaster, PA

Drivers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, often face confusion when they see flashing traffic signals at intersections. These situations can be dangerous if you don’t know how to respond.  Experienced Lancaster car accident lawyers often help clients who have been in accidents at intersections with flashing or… read more

Can My Boss Cut My Hours After I File for Workers Compensation in Pennsylvania?

If you have been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, you are likely entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Most employers are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees. However, many injured workers hesitate to file a claim because they worry about their… read more

Attorneys Adam Crosier & Jesse Rhodeside Plan and Present Continuing Legal Education Seminar for the Dauphin County Bar Association

On December 18, 2024, Marzzacco Niven & Associates Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Adam Crosier and Jesse Rhodeside presented a continuing legal education seminar to the Dauphin County Bar Association as a part of their roles on the executive committee of the Workers’ Compensation Section of DCBA…. read more

Attorney Rebecca L. Bailey Named to Million Dollar Advocates Forum

The Million Dollar Advocates Forum is pleased to announce that attorney Rebecca L. Bailey of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania has been certified as a member. The Million Dollar Advocates Forum is recognized as one of the most prestigious groups of trial lawyers in the United States. Membership is… read more

Workers Compensation for Independent Contractors in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws require employers to have workers’ compensation insurance when they have one or more workers. The rules for independent contractors in Pennsylvania are different. What is an Independent Contractor in Pennsylvania? An independent contractor is someone who works for themselves. They may… read more

Attorney Ben Salvina Takes on Sex Discrimination Case Against City of Harrisburg

Marzzacco Niven & Associates’ employment lawyer, Ben Salvina, was featured in several media stories covering a recent law suit he filed in federal court on behalf of a client who claims her employer deprived her of promotions several times because she is a woman. The lawsuit,… read more

Do Self-employed Need Workers Compensation Insurance in Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry oversees workers’ compensation claims. In Pennsylvania, workers’ compensation is required for companies that employ one or more employees. The rules are different for self-employed individuals. Self-Employed Individuals in Pennsylvania If you are self-employed, you are considered an independent… read more

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation if You Get Hurt During a Work Break in Pennsylvania?

If you’re injured during a work break in Pennsylvania, you might wonder whether you’re eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Reading about how workers’ compensation laws apply to injuries sustained during breaks can help you navigate your rights and options. Understanding Workers’ Compensation in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania’s… read more

Chris Marzzacco Plans and Presents Seminar for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute

On October 24th, Attorney Chris Marzzacco, owner of Marzzacco Niven & Associates, participated in a continuing legal education seminar for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. The course, “PBI’s Personal Injury Law Conference,” was presented by PBI—which is the “award-winning, continuing legal education arm of the Pennsylvania… read more

Putting the Top 5 Myths of Workers’ Comp to Bed 

Getting injured on the job can be overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure about your rights and the benefits available to you. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions surrounding workers’ compensation that can prevent employees from seeking the help they need.  It is helpful to debunk the… read more

Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Goes Digital: Act 126 Mandates Direct Deposit

In big news for injured workers in Pennsylvania, Governor Shapiro recently signed Act 126 of 2024 into law, bringing workers’ compensation payments into the 21st century. This means faster and more convenient access to your benefits through direct deposit. What Does this Mean for You?… read more

Marzzacco Niven & Associates: “2025’s Best Law Firms”

All awards, recognition and accolades are not equal.  When a national peer-reviewed organization selects a law firm for inclusion as one of the best in Pennsylvania, that’s a meaningful accomplishment.  Marzzacco Niven & Associates is pleased to announce that we’ve been named one of 2025’s Best Law… read more

What Types of Injuries Are Commonly Associated With T-Bone Accidents?

A T-bone car accident is a type of crash where the front of one vehicle hits the side of another, forming a “T” shape. These accidents happen often and can cause severe injuries.  Knowing about these injuries is essential so that anyone involved can get… read more

Can You Be Fired After a Workers’ Compensation Injury in Pennsylvania?

A workers’ compensation injury is an injury that you suffer at your workplace. Most of the time, the workers’ compensation system will reimburse you for your medical expenses and a portion of your lost income arising from a workplace accident. It doesn’t matter whose fault… read more

Causes and Symptoms of Caput Succedaneum

Few things are more frightening to parents than when their child sustains an injury. No matter how old your child is, a significant injury can be a heart-stopping event, but perhaps the worst-case scenario is an injury that occurs during childbirth. As many as 33%… read more

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation If Hurt While Drunk at Work in Pennsylvania?

Generally speaking, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. Not only are you relieved of the obligation to prove that your employer was at fault, but you can often collect compensation even if the accident was your fault. This is not always the case, however. Drunkenness… read more

Jordan Marzzacco Plans and Presents Panel Discussion for Trial Lawyers Association

On October 16th, Attorney Jordan Marzzacco of Marzzacco Niven & Associates, participated in a continuing legal education seminar for the Pennsylvania Association of Justice (“PAJ”), Pennsylvania’s legal association for plaintiffs’ and claimants’ lawyers. The program was titled, “Nuts & Bolts of a Motor Vehicle Crash… read more

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Employer Defense

Workers’ compensation is usually required for all employers in Pennsylvania with one or more employees. Most employers purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage to satisfy the requirement. However, state law allows employers to apply for self-insurance status. An injured worker is generally entitled to workers’ compensation… read more

How To Contact Animal Control in York, PA

If you’ve ever been chased by an aggressive dog or had squirrels move into your attic, you know how important animal control is. Pennsylvania law even requires state residents to report dog bites as a public health matter. Reporting an attack gives authorities a chance… read more

Can You Be Laid Off After You Receive Workers Compensation in Pennsylvania?

Imagine this scenario: You suffer a work-related injury, such as a sprained back or a broken ankle, that requires you to spend time in the hospital and recuperate at home. Fortunately, workers’ compensation awards medical expenses, along with wage replacement benefits that equal most of… read more

Right of Way Laws in Pennsylvania

Right-of-way laws are intended to keep traffic flowing smoothly and prevent accidents. When everyone follows the rules, it’s clear who should go first. Unfortunately, things aren’t always clear-cut on the road. There are many situations where it’s not obvious who has the right of way,… read more

How Long Do You Have to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Pennsylvania?

Were you injured in a workplace accident? If so, you may receive benefits under Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation system. Most employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage to protect their employees. However, you must file your workers’ compensation claim before the deadline or lose… read more

Handbook for Workers’ Compensation Eligibility in Pennsylvania 

Have you been injured on the job in Pennsylvania? If so, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Understanding Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws helps workers know what to expect as they go through the workers’ compensation process.  What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Workers’… read more

How Long Do You Have To File A Workers Compensation Claim In Pennsylvania?

When you’re injured at work, it can feel overwhelming. Alongside the physical pain, you might be stressed about your financial situation, especially if you’re unable to work for some time. Fortunately, workers’ compensation is designed to help bridge this gap, covering medical expenses and lost… read more

IV Infiltration and Complication Attorneys

Patients are given intravenous catheters (IVs) for many reasons. IVs deliver medications, nutrition, blood products, electrolytes, and other fluids. Generally, IVs are one of the safest medical treatments, but sometimes things can go wrong. IV infiltration is a common medical condition that can cause serious… read more

How Does Workers’ Compensation Affect Disability Benefits?

If you were injured at work in Wyomissing, PA, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation, Social Security disability benefits, or both. Workers’ compensation and disability benefits are similar but have key differences. Continue reading about these programs and how workers’ compensation can affect disability… read more

Is Concentra Failing to Provide Adequate Treatment?

Concentra is a nationwide healthcare provider that offers occupational health services. It provides medical evaluations, treatment, and rehabilitation services to injured employees pursuing workers’ compensation claims.  Concentra is certainly not without its critics, especially with respect to the way it treats injured workers. These criticisms… read more

Salvina Presents CLE for Dauphin County Bar Association

On Tuesday, August 13th, Ben Salvina of Marzzacco Niven & Associates presented a continuing legal education seminar to members of the Dauphin County Bar Association. The program was titled “The Implications of Recreational and Medical Marijuana Usage on Employment and Criminal Law.”  Attorney Ed Spreha, a… read more

Jordan Marzzacco Named Again in “The Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America®”

Marzzacco Niven & Associates is thrilled to announce that Jordan Marzzacco has been named to the fifth edition of Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America!  Jordan has been recognized for her work in the field of plaintiffs’ personal injury litigation.  Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch recognizes lawyers who have… read more

Christopher Marzzacco Named Again in “The Best Lawyers in America®”

Christopher Marzzacco has been named to the 31st edition of The Best Lawyers in America. Marzzacco has been honored for his expertise in personal injury litigation, specifically with plaintiffs. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication company in the legal profession. It was founded on… read more

Defective Combat Earplugs Lawsuits

When the men and women serving in the U.S. military volunteer to place themselves in harm’s way, they expect and deserve the best protective gear in the world. In the case of 3M earplugs, that’s not what they got. According to the Military Times, 100… read more

Umbilical Cord Prolapse Birth Injury Claims

Umbilical cord prolapse (UCP) is an uncommon obstetric emergency. It can cause permanent impairments or death for the unborn infant. There are two types of umbilical cord prolapse. Overt UCP occurs when the umbilical cord drops through the cervix into the vagina before the baby… read more

Everything You Need To Know About Class Action Lawsuits

Class action lawsuits are an effective way to hold negligent parties responsible for their actions. In fact, class action lawsuits are one of the most powerful tools in the legal system to obtain justice for those injured by a party’s negligence. However, due to scrutiny… read more

Workplace Death Statistics

Fatal workplace accidents are rare, but their impact can be devastating for those who knew and loved the accident victim. Family members may be emotionally and financially traumatized, and co-workers are forever left with the memory of someone dying in the place they must work… read more

How Long Do Class Action Lawsuits Take?

There is no set time it takes for a class action lawsuit to settle or go to trial. Each case is unique, and many factors can affect the timeline. Most people assume that class action lawsuits take a long time to resolve. Some take years… read more

Understanding Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)

Truck drivers are very familiar with GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating). They must know the vehicle’s GVWR because of state and federal regulations for the weight of trucks and their cargo.  Trucks are also classified by their GVWR. If the GVWR is high enough, a… read more

Are Tornadoes Worse Than Hurricanes?

Every year, tornadoes and hurricanes take multiple lives and cause billions of dollars in property damage. Being caught in the pathway of these monster storms is a terrifying and helpless feeling, but can one really be worse than the other? When it comes to the… read more

The Dangers of Working on an Oil Rig

Living and working on an oil rig is extremely challenging. The rig needs to be maintained 24 hours a day, which leads to most workers putting in long shifts every day for weeks at a time. While the pay can be exceptional, and the living… read more

How To Check if Your Eye Drops Have Been Recalled Due to Contamination

People use eye drops for many reasons. For example, one may purchase them over-the-counter or have a prescription. Recently, several companies have issued recalls for contaminated eye drops. Using the contaminated eye drops could result in infections and loss of vision.  So, how do you… read more

Most Dangerous Jobs in the U.S. According to OSHA

In 2022, there were 5,486 people killed in workplace accidents across the country, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). That’s up from 5,190 worker fatalities the previous year.  Sadly, a relatively small number of industries represent a disproportionate share of workplace deaths…. read more

Are Wolf Hybrids Legal in Pennsylvania?

Wolf hybrids, also known as wolf dogs, are a cross between a gray wolf and a domestic dog. The breeds that are often chosen to cross with a wolf include German shepherds, Alaskan malamutes, huskies, and Akitas. This means that the attributes of a wolf… read more

Do You Need a Front License Plate in Pennsylvania?

Front license plates are not required for standard passenger vehicles in Pennsylvania. Subject to certain exceptions, most Pennsylvania drivers only need to display a rear license plate when driving on local roadways.  In fact, PennDOT has not required front license plates on standard-issue vehicles since… read more

Interstate vs. Intrastate Trucking

Sharing the road with large commercial vehicles is not uncommon, as trucks play a crucial role in the economy. However, you might not know that some trucks are meant to travel across state lines (interstate), while others are only allowed to travel within state lines… read more

Do You Need a CDL To Drive a Box Truck?

Box trucks play a crucial role in transporting goods and materials across Pennsylvania. However, people often wonder about the qualifications you need to operate these vehicles safely and their legal responsibilities after an accident.  At Marzzacco Niven & Associates, our York truck accident lawyers can… read more

What Is the Legal Driving Age In Pennsylvania? 

Getting their driver’s license is an exciting event that increases a teen’s independence and their need to behave with greater maturity. Pennsylvania uses a graduated driver’s license (GDL) program to help teens adapt to their new level of responsibility and stay safe.  Motor vehicle accidents… read more


Attorneys Rebecca Bailey and Chris Marzzacco recently obtained a settlement for the Estate of a man who lost his life in a car collision that happened last summer. The settlement totaled $1,600,000.00. In the case, the other driver was believed to have run through a… read more

What Are the 5 Categories of Hurricanes?

You have likely heard hurricanes described by their category. Similar to tornadoes, hurricanes are categorized by wind speeds. A tropical storm becomes a hurricane once it has a sustained wind speed of 74 miles per hour or greater.  There are five categories of hurricanes, but… read more

What Are the 3 Most Common Complaints About Nursing Homes?

Nursing homes provide essential services to individuals who cannot live by themselves. An older person may need a high level of care because they cannot perform activities of daily living. They may also require some assisted living care because they are beginning to experience the… read more