Attorney Adam N. Crosier Presents At the 2022 PBA Workers’ Compensation Fall Section Meeting
October 20, 2022 | News
Marzzacco Niven & Associates is proud to announce that on October 13, 2022, Attorney Adam N. Crosier presented at the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Fall Section Meeting in Hershey, PA. He was joined by a fellow attorney and a workers’ compensation judge.
Attorney Crosier provided the Claimant’s perspective on litigating and defending late answers under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. He highlighted how such situations can be used to an injured worker’s benefit to maximize their compensation benefits.
Other topics discussed at the conference included recent developments in workers’ compensation law, litigating medical bills, mediation, and ethical considerations.
The conference was well-attended, and the audience included over 400 workers’ compensation attorneys and judges from across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Attorney Crosier is one of our law firm’s certified specialists in workers’ compensation law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association Section of Workers’ Compensation Law as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. He also handles Social Security Disability cases.
Attorney Crosier is passionate about helping injured workers and disabled clients throughout every aspect of their claims. He was admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar in 2005 and subsequently worked with the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. He currently serves on the Dauphin County Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Law Section’s leadership committee.
Marzzacco Niven & Associates would like to recognize and thank Attorney Crosier for his passion and dedication to the workers’ compensation practice area. We look forward to his continued contributions to our Pennsylvania law firm.
Attorney Adam N. Crosier, One Of Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys At Marzzacco Niven & Associates Can Help In Any City In Pennsylvania
If you’ve been injured in Pennsylvania, please contact Marzzacco Niven & Associates at the nearest location to schedule a free consultation today: