Is Concentra Failing to Provide Adequate Treatment?

Concentra is a nationwide healthcare provider that offers occupational health services. It provides medical evaluations, treatment, and rehabilitation services to injured employees pursuing workers’ compensation claims. 

Concentra is certainly not without its critics, especially with respect to the way it treats injured workers. These criticisms assert that Concentra is biased in favor of employers.

Common Criticisms of Concentra

Below is a list of the most common criticisms of Concentra.

Criticism #1: Concentra is Subject to an Inherent Conflict of Interest

Concentra’s clients are not injured employees – they are employers and insurance companies. Consequently, Concentra operates under a conflict of interest that will not change unless it changes its business model. 

Under these circumstances, it is unsurprising that Concentra appears to favor the interests of its clients over the interests of injured workers. After all, this approach minimizes costs for their clients.

Criticism #2: Concentra Operates a “Conveyor Belt” Diagnosis and Treatment Approach

Concentra’s standardized diagnosis and treatment system for workplace accident victims does not adequately respond to employees’ individual needs. No two injured worker cases are the same, yet Concentra often operates under a “one size fits all” model.

Criticism #3: Lack of Access to Medical Specialists

Many injured workers complain that Concentra is reluctant to refer them to a specialist when they need one. There are also complaints that Concentra doesn’t want to treat their injuries to any extent that goes beyond basic medical care. Although this approach saves money for Concentra’s clients, it can result in inadequate care for injured workers.

Criticism #4: Concentra Shoves Injured Workers Back Into the Workforce Before They Are Ready

The sooner an injured employee returns to work, the sooner they can resume generating income for their employer. There is a natural tension between workers who want to maximize the time they have available for recovery and employers who want to minimize this time. Critics contend that Concentra favors employer interests over employee interests.

Criticism #5: Communication Problems

Successful management of an injured worker’s case requires coordination among the efforts of Concentra, the employer, and the injured worker. This, in turn, requires good communication. Critics allege that Concentra is not doing its part to keep the relevant parties in contact with each other. This leads to treatment and claim resolution delays.

Criticism #6: High Staff Turnover

High staff turnover has been a problem at some Concentra clinics. High turnover degrades the continuity of care and the bond of trust that is so critical between injured workers and their healthcare providers. It can also result in inexperienced staff. 

Criticism #7: Bureaucratic Red Tape

Some amount of paperwork is necessary for Concentra due to its wide-ranging responsibilities. Critics assert, however, that Contentra’s “red tape” is unnecessarily time-consuming. In particular, it can take a long time for Concentra to approve certain types of treatments, resulting in prolonged recovery times.

Tips for Dealing With Concentra

Observe the following tips when dealing with Concentra: 

  • Don’t go to Concentra for emergency care. Concentra is not designed to provide ER services. Instead, go to a hospital emergency room.
  • Demand thorough medical testing and specialist referrals. If you are not naturally assertive, you need to learn how to become that way when dealing with Concentra.
  • Handle all Concentra-related paperwork with extreme care. After all, it’s evidence. Copy anything you send or receive regarding Concentra and keep it for your own records.

Speak with your lawyer to learn other steps to take. 

Thoroughly Document Your Injuries

Fill out the accident report in detail. This is not something you want to save time on. List every single injury you sustained, from a broken leg to a skinned knee. When you fill out your paperwork at Concentra, make sure to get the date of your accident right, mention that the accident happened at work, and list every single injury.

A Skilled Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help You Deal With Concentra and Protect Your Rights

Do you suspect that Concentra is not properly responding to your concerns? You may be right. If you are, you probably need a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney to stand up for you. Any request you make is more likely to be effective if you hire a lawyer and let them speak to Concentra on your behalf.

If you’ve been injured in a workers’ compensation, please contact Marzzacco Niven & Associates at the nearest location to schedule a free consultation today:

Harrisburg Law Office
945 East Park Drive, Suite 103 Harrisburg, PA 17111
(717) 231-1640

York Law Office
2550 Kingston Road, Suite 210A York, PA 17401
(717) 995-8998

Wyomissing Law Office
833 N. Park Road, Suite 103, Room A Wyomissing, PA 19610
(717) 388-2325

Chambersburg Law Office
79 St. Paul Drive, Suite 1 Chambersburg, PA 17201
(717) 388-2378

Carlisle Law Office
354 Alexander Springs Road Carlisle, PA 17015
(717) 995-8732

Carbondale Law Office
30 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 101 Carbondale, PA 18407
(717) 995-8810

Lancaster Law Office
2173 Embassy Drive, Ste 123, Lancaster Pa 17603
(717) 616-2954

Lebanon Law Office
937 Willow Street, Suite D Lebanon, PA 17042-1140
(717) 995-8963