Secrets of Accident Claims Against GEICO REVEALED!

GEICO is one of the largest auto insurance providers in the United States. It provides almost 15% of all auto insurance policies across the country. This means that many accident victims will need to file a claim through GEICO each year.  However, GEICO does not… read more

What is the Difference Between Negligence and Negligence Per Se?

Most personal injury claims are based on negligence. Negligence is a legal term that means something similar to “carelessness.” In the event of an injury caused by another person, you must prove that person was negligent in order to receive compensation. “Negligence per se” is… read more

3 Elements of Standing to Sue

Pennsylvania courts are not open to anyone who has a grievance. To gain access to Pennsylvania courts for a lawsuit, you must first show that you have “standing to sue”. This is what gets you into court. You still have to win your case once… read more

Rear-End Collision Injuries and How You Can Recover

Imagine you’re driving along Lancaster’s highways when you are suddenly rear-ended in a car collision. You can suffer substantial damage, especially to your neck and spine. Taking the proper steps for recovery can help you regain full range of motion and free yourself from chronic… read more

What is MCS 90?

Most truck accident victims do not know what MCS 90 is or why truck drivers and trucking companies must have the MCS 90 endorsement. However, if you are involved in a truck accident in Wyomissing, MCS 90 could be important. An MCS 90 insurance endorsement… read more

What Does Yielding the Right of Way Mean in Pennsylvania?

Yielding to a driver who has the right of way helps prevent traffic accidents and citations. Whether it’s another car or a pedestrian, knowing when you can proceed and when you need to stop and let someone else go keeps everyone safe. Failure to yield… read more

What Is CTE?

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the term doctors use to describe brain deterioration or damage after repeated head trauma.  Unlike other kinds of brain injuries, CTE can only be diagnosed during an autopsy. However, symptoms and indications of CTE can show up long before a… read more

Difference Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

Thousands of workers and older individuals sustain injuries in falls each year. However, falls occur at any age and can result in traumatic injuries and wrongful deaths.  A person may fall from an elevated height or the same level. In either case, the result could… read more

What is Considered a “Reasonable Person” When it Comes to Negligence?

Negligence is the basis for most personal injury claims in Pennsylvania. Proving negligence requires you to show that the defendant (the party who caused your injury) failed to act as a “reasonable person.” However, how do you know what a “reasonable person” would do in… read more

What Does Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cover?

If you have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses in Pennsylvania, knowing your rights, benefits, and filing requirements for workers’ compensation claims is crucial to receiving the money you deserve. Under Pennsylvania law, an employer is obligated to compensate an employee for most employment-related illnesses and… read more

What if I am Not Ready to Return to my Job after a Work Injury in Pennsylvania?

Accidents and injuries happen. Often, injuries can affect our job, forcing us to take time off, sometimes for extended periods. If you’ve sustained a work injury, Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws can help you manage the financial burden while taking time off.  Your goal should be… read more

Valsartan Lawsuit

Valsartan is medication doctors commonly prescribe to treat high blood pressure. Unfortunately, the FDA has identified that certain makers of this drug have failed to engage in safe manufacturing practices. This has resulted in some batches of Valsartan being contaminated with nitrosodimethylamine. Nitrosodimethylamine is a… read more

What Are the Odds of Dying in a Car Crash in Pennsylvania?

You can measure your odds of dying in a car accident in many different ways. The likelihood that you will die in a crash depends on many factors. Your odds also vary depending on whether you look at your lifetime odds or yearly odds. Here… read more

Allstate Worst Insurance Company For Consumers

Insurance plays an important role in a person’s life, especially after a car accident. At least, it should. Pennsylvania is technically a no-fault state in regard to car accidents. If you sustained losses due to an unexpected accident, your insurer should compensate you for those… read more

Attorneys Answer: When Do You Need to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Pennsylvania?

After a car accident, you might be faced with a lot of chaos. In the midst of dealing with a damaged car, insurance companies, and the other drivers, it can be hard to know what to do. Whether your accident was mild or severe, you… read more

4 Reasons Why a Personal Injury Lawyer Will Not Take Your Case

If another party injures you due to negligence, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries and damages. A personal injury lawyer can help you file a personal injury claim or lawsuit to this end. Injury lawyers will investigate your claim to gather… read more

What Exactly Can a Process Server Do to Serve Papers?

The role of the process server is essential in many legal proceedings. Process servers ensure that court papers are served in a timely and correct manner. Many types of legal situations require the use of a process server. For example, process servers are often used… read more

Should You Hire a Workers’ Comp Lawyer? 

According to the Insurance Journal, billions of dollars are paid out each year in workers’ comp for on-the-job injuries and workplace accidents.  There are many ways that employees can become injured on the job, including: According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2021, workers’… read more

How Much Does a Lawyer Cost in Pennsylvania?

Hopefully, you will never be injured in an avoidable accident. However, everyone faces a risk of an accident, no matter how cautious they are.  Examples include the following: Being injured in such an accident will likely leave you with costly medical bills. You might also… read more

How are Pain and Suffering Damages Calculated?

You can seek pain and suffering damages as part of a Pennsylvania personal injury lawsuit. Physical pain and suffering damages compensate you for the actual pain and suffering you’ve felt and continue to feel after your accident. Emotional pain and suffering damages compensate you for… read more

What to Wear to Court in Pennsylvania

It’s important to put care into your appearance when you’re called to appear in court. Dressing properly shows respect for the court and legal proceedings.  In some courtrooms, you may be prevented from entering if you do not compy with the dress code. Knowing how… read more

Tattoo Infections: Why They Happen and Who Might Be Liable If You’re Injured

More than a third of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo. People young and old visit tattoo parlors for many reasons. It can be a means of self-expression, a way to participate in cultural or religious traditions, or… read more

The Mirena Crash Is Real and It’s Affecting Countless Women

The Mirena IUD is a hugely popular contraceptive. It’s an implantable device that works by thickening cervical mucus and stopping sperm from fertilizing an egg. Doctors often prescribe the Mirena IUD as a long-term birth control method or as a treatment for heavy periods. Despite… read more

Jordan Marzzacco Named a Top 40 Under 40 Pennsylvania Lawyer For Third Consecutive Year

Jordan Marzzacco, a leading advocate for accident and injury victims in the Keystone State, has been named a “Top 40 Under 40” Lawyer in Pennsylvania by the National Trial Lawyers. The National Trial Lawyers is a professional organization comprised of America’s top young trial attorneys…. read more

What Are an Employee’s Rights After Job Termination in Harrisburg, PA?

Individuals who work as employees in the state of Pennsylvania have specific rights. However, Pennsylvania is also an at-will employment state. This means that a worker can be terminated at any time, even for reasons unrelated to their job performance.  Specific employment rights apply when… read more

Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Harrisburg, PA?

You may believe that a minor accident requires a minor reaction. After all, around 4.5 million accidents result in injuries each year in the U.S. Your accident may seem fairly uneventful if you only suffered minor injuries or property damage. Shouldn’t you count your blessings… read more

2022 U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers® Rankings Announced

U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers® recently announced the “Best Law Firms” rankings. Marzzacco Injury Law, Incorporated, doing business as Marzzacco Niven & Associates, has been named a Tier 2 firm in the Harrisburg Region for Plaintiffs’ Personal Injury Litigation in the 2022… read more

What Kind of Lawyers Get Paid the Most?

A lawyer’s salary depends on many factors, including their practice area. Other relevant variables include the lawyer’s employer, experience level, and location. The average lawyer’s salary is about $127,000 per year. This places lawyers in the upper end of the middle class. By comparison, doctors… read more

Attorney-Client Privilege: What Is It and How Will it Affect My Personal Injury Case in Pennsylvania?

When you are involved in a legal proceeding, you may be concerned about the security of your private information. In personal injury claims, the plaintiff may need to provide medical and financial documents. Most people have heard of attorney-client privilege, but the average person might… read more

9 Things You Should Know About a Free Lawyer Consultation

If you have sustained an injury, you may wonder whether you should consult an attorney. If you have been in a trip and fall accident, medical malpractice incident, a car accident, or other accident, a legal professional can help. Most accident attorneys provide new clients… read more

Can I Sue My Employer for Negligence in Harrisburg, PA?

Workers’ compensation entitles most employees to benefits if they are injured at work. In exchange, employees give up the right to sue their employer for negligence. However, you may have the right to sue the negligent business or employer under certain circumstances. This type of… read more

Can You Sue for A Harrisburg Car Accident If You Are Not Hurt?

Usually, victims initiate traffic accident lawsuits due to physical injuries. You may wonder whether you can sue for damages if you have been in a collision that did not result in injuries. You may be entitled to file a lawsuit to recover damages even if… read more

How Much is My Workers’ Comp Case Worth in Harrisburg, PA?

If you were injured in a job-related accident, you may wonder how much your workers’ compensation case is worth. You may not know how much to expect unless you have prior experience with the workers’ compensation claims process. One of the best ways to understand… read more

Car Accident Lawyer Fees

One of the most important factors to consider when you hire a car accident lawyer is legal fees. This is also one of the most common sources of disputes between lawyers and clients.  Having a conversation with your lawyer about fees can help you to… read more

I Slipped and Fell at Work in Harrisburg, PA. What Should I Do?

Workplace accidents are more common than many people think. According to recent research from the National Safety Council, falling accidents are the third leading cause of injury-related deaths in the workplace.   Some working environments present more hazards than others. For instance, construction workers and other… read more

I’ve Been Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident in Harrisburg, PA – Do I Need a Lawyer?

Motorcyclists often feel a sense of freedom and adventure when they’re riding. However, that sense of enjoyment can turn into terror in a motorcycle accident. Motorcycles do not provide many of the standard safety features that passenger vehicles offer. This means that motorcycle collisions can… read more

What Happens When Someone Dies Due to a Car Accident?

Over 1.25 million people in the U.S. are fatally wounded in traffic accidents each year. Some victims are killed before medical help arrives at the scene. Others are transferred to medical care facilities and do not survive their injuries. Families of fatal car accident victims… read more